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Transplanting Seedlings

By Clay Plager-Unger | April 9, 2019

At the Planet Drum greenhouse, volunteers work hard to produce new trees. The seedbeds had Tamarind, Guava, and Mango seedlings ready for transplanting into bottles. Soil was prepared and mixed. Bottles were cut and filled with soil. 200 Tamarind, 100 Guava and 150 Mango seedlings were transplanted into the bottles.

Tree Planting in the Ciudadela Maria Enrique Orrantia Neighborhood

By Clay Plager-Unger | March 22, 2019

Residents in the Ciudadela Maria Enqiue Orrantia requested more native fruit trees for planting in their community. We did a tree planting campaign there 5 months ago. Guayaba, Guava, Chirimoya, Mango, Mandarin and Orange trees were delivered and over the course of several days 80 trees were planted on two sides of the neighborhood. Local residents assisted in the tree planting and will be responsible […]

Urban Hillside Revegetation in Bahía de Caráquez

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 27, 2019

Over the course of four days in February, more than 60 native fruit trees were planted on a hillside in Bahía de Caráquez. The site is located on a hill above the beach promenade which faces the Pacific Ocean. Planet Drum is collaborating with two local residents (Benigno and Ester), who maintain small gardens there and have committed to watering and caring for the trees. […]

Bahía Ecocity Environmental Forum

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 23, 2019

For the 20th anniversary of Bahía de Caráquez’s declaration as an Ecological City, Hugo Vaca, head of the environmental department for the city, wisely decided to host an environmental forum instead of a celebration, as has been custom in the past. Despite the lack of initiatives coordinated by the city government, many private and public organizations and groups based in Bahía continue to be proactive […]

Muddy Waters

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 8, 2019

Julia (USA) spent five months (September – January) interning at Planet Drum. During this time, she was very dedicated to helping with all of the various work activities. Regardless of how difficult, muddy, sticky (peeling tamarind seeds), smelly, or how many mosquitoes bit her, she had a smile. I would especially like to thank her for all of the photos of mine that she bombed […]

Hillside Revegetation in El Astillero

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 30, 2019

On December 19th we began planting trees on the hillside above the Astillero neighborhood. 15 trees were planted that day. After delivering 60 more trees (15 each of Algarrobo, Ébano, Guachapelí, and Guayacán) in January, we spent 3 more days planting them, resulting in a total of 75 trees at the revegetation site. With machetes, we cleared trails to be able to move around the hill. […]

Volunteering Experience

By Matej Spodniak | January 26, 2019

January, 2019 I had been inspired by the book The Man Who Planted Trees by Jean Giono, when I arrived in Bahía to participate in Planet Drum’s ecological project. So I was very excited to go out and plant a whole forest of trees. However, reality is always a bit different from what we read in books. Soon I found myself working most of the time in […]

New Greenhouse

By Clay Plager-Unger | September 30, 2017

Orlando and Jorge, a volunteer from Germany, worked at the greenhouse. Besides general greenhouse maintenance such as watering and weeding, they finished various tasks related to tree production—including seed collecting and planting, soil preparation, bottle cutting, and transplanting saplings. Planet Drum is opening a new composting and greenhouse facility in the Astillero neighborhood with local contact and nature enthusiast Jose María. The area was cleaned […]