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Photographers without Borders

By Clay Plager-Unger | June 14, 2019

Professional photographer Matt Timmins from Photographers without Borders joined Planet Drum’s Ecuador project in early June to document the work and provide photos and videos for promotional purposes. While Matt was here, he documented city life in Bahía de Caráquez. Together we visited the greenhouse at the Catholic University, taught bioregional education to neighborhood children in Bellavista with Planet Drum’s volunteers, planted trees at the […]

Community Outreach

By Clay Plager-Unger | June 12, 2019

Community outreach is an integral aspect of Planet Drum’s environmental program in Ecuador. In June, we were invited to participate in two regional events related to ecology. On June 5th-6th, a biodiversity conference was held at the Technical University of Manabí. Environmental organizations from Bahía and the surrounding area participated in an open house with educational booths and materials. Additionally, lectures were held on various themes […]

Seed Collection

By Clay Plager-Unger | April 15, 2019

Recent seed collection excursions in and around Bahia have yielded Cascol, Guayaba, Tamarind, and Pechiche seeds. At the greenhouse, volunteers planted the seeds in seedbeds. They will be ready for transplanting in approximately 2-3 months.

Greenhouse Activities

By Clay Plager-Unger | April 12, 2019

Keeping the Planet Drum greenhouse running smoothly and the trees healthy and growing well involves weeding, watering, and organizing trees. Volunteers are key to the successful production of native trees at the greenhouse!

Transplanting Seedlings

By Clay Plager-Unger | April 9, 2019

At the Planet Drum greenhouse, volunteers work hard to produce new trees. The seedbeds had Tamarind, Guava, and Mango seedlings ready for transplanting into bottles. Soil was prepared and mixed. Bottles were cut and filled with soil. 200 Tamarind, 100 Guava and 150 Mango seedlings were transplanted into the bottles.

Tree Planting in the Ciudadela Maria Enrique Orrantia Neighborhood

By Clay Plager-Unger | March 22, 2019

Residents in the Ciudadela Maria Enqiue Orrantia requested more native fruit trees for planting in their community. We did a tree planting campaign there 5 months ago. Guayaba, Guava, Chirimoya, Mango, Mandarin and Orange trees were delivered and over the course of several days 80 trees were planted on two sides of the neighborhood. Local residents assisted in the tree planting and will be responsible […]