
More seed collection, site maintenance and municipal collaboration.

By Clay Plager-Unger / September 21, 2007 / 0 Comments

September 17-21, 2007   On Monday we got a ride into El Toro and watered the revegetation site, then walked back out to the main road and caught the bus to the greenhouse. At the greenhouse the plants were watered and some weeding was done.  More Guachapeli seeds were collected from full-sized trees nearby that are dropping […]

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Winter Olympic Actions
Guard Fox Watch: 2010 Vancouver, Canada

By Guard Fox Watch / September 17, 2007 / 0 Comments

Guard Fox Watch* Press Release The upcoming 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada neglect to monitor ongoing environmental impact:  VANOC will violate International Olympic Committee mandate for ecological sustainability according to the international ecological monitoring group Guard Fox Watch.                          —San Francisco, California USA                                                    September 17, 2007 The Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC) must immediately […]

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Tips and tricks for saplings on a slope.

By Clay Plager-Unger / September 14, 2007 / 0 Comments

September 10-14, 2007 The week started off with going bottle hunting in Leonidas Plaza. Judy joined Patrick and me as we scoured the suburb of Bahia picking up empty three-liter plasticsoda bottles. We talked to some fishermen about the possibility of using old nets to cover young trees to protect them from insects and animals […]

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San Francisco Planet Drum folks arrived.

By Clay Plager-Unger / September 7, 2007 / 0 Comments

September 3-7, 2007 On Monday we watered Maria Dolores and Don Pepe. Some neighborhood kids came out to help us carry the water at Maria Dolores. From there to the greenhouse where we watered and turned the compost. In the morning on Tuesday we watered La Cruz and then caught the bus to the greenhouse […]

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Feeding Algarobo seeds to Ricardito’s pigs, to see if they will germinate in the fertilizer.

By Clay Plager-Unger / August 31, 2007 / 0 Comments

August 27-31, 2007 Summary: This week was still somewhat low on staff and it was a bit of a struggle to cover the watering of the sites, but we were able to take care of them, and even had some time to work in the greenhouse. On Monday compost was picked up from our friend […]

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Biology class to identify species in the Bosque en Medio de las Ruinas.

By Clay Plager-Unger / August 24, 2007 / 0 Comments

August 20-24, 2007 Summary: This was another week with only one volunteer, and thankfully plenty of help from our Ecuadorian friends, and even a little rain to make the watering possible. Since Brian left last Friday, there was only me and Lindsey left. On Monday we went to the greenhouse to check in on things, watered […]

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Summer 2007 Introductory Bioregional Class: Aquatic Ecosystems

By Ramon Cedeño Loor / August 17, 2007 / 0 Comments

Ramon’s Weekly Report #10 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session 2007 August 15th & 17th Bioregionalism resumed classes after vacations from regular school were ended. The theme for the week was aquatic ecosystems. We began by differentiating between continental and marine ecosystems. The students divided into two groups to go over the materials I passed out. They discussed these […]

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Some serious watering.

By Clay Plager-Unger / August 17, 2007 / 0 Comments

August 13-17, 2007 Summary: This week was exclusively about the core Planet Drum group, me, Brian and Lindsey. We watered all of the reforestation sites as usual and continued planting seeds and upkeep in the greenhouse.      Monday we watered and weeded at the greenhouse, and also dug up a new seed bed and mixed soil for […]

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Making new friends to help water.

By Clay Plager-Unger / August 3, 2007 / 0 Comments

July 30-August 3, 2007     This week we lucked out by finding some extra hands around town to pitch in with the work, since our numbers have dwindled to one volunteer. Simply keeping up with watering the planted sites proves to be a challenge. Fortunately some travelers came out to help the cause for a couple […]

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We nourish the trees and we nourish ourselves.

By Clay Plager-Unger / July 27, 2007 / 0 Comments

July 23-27, 2007   This week we were down to one volunteer. Fortunately, Brian is a hard worker because as usual there’s a lot to get done. On Monday we went to the greenhouse, watered, dumped off compost, weeded and checked on the plants. From there we walked over to Maria Dolores and Don Pepe to […]

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