Bioregional Education

Transplanting Seedlings at Los Algarrobos School

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 11, 2019

Last September, we planted fruit tree seeds that students from the Algarrobos School in Canoa had brought from home in the elevated seedbeds at the school. Since then, many of the seeds germinated and have grown into seedlings ready for transplanting. The volunteers and I took a trip to the school with supplies to transplant the seedlings out of the seedbeds and into recycled plastic cups. Students […]

A Visit to the Algarrobos School in Canoa

By Clay Plager-Unger | October 4, 2018

We visited the Algarrobos School in Canoa to finish planting the second elevated seedbed with the sixth graders and assist with the garden projects at the school. The sixth graders had brought in mandarina [mandarin], naranja [orange], limon [lime], papaya and other seeds from home for planting at school. We mixed the soil in the elevated bed and planted the seeds with the students. Afterwards […]

Bioregional Education at Los Algarrobos School

By Clay Plager-Unger | September 27, 2018

In Bioregional Education news, we paid a visit to the Algarrobos School in Canoa to check in on the students, their gardens, and the elevated seedbeds that we had constructed there. Planet Drum volunteers assisted the students in creating a new garden space at the school and fixing up the older spaces that they are using. We helped the fifth graders make signs and plant seeds for […]

Home-schooling at the Greenhouse

By Clay Plager-Unger | September 21, 2018

Long-time friends of Planet Drum, Gina and her four children along with Clay, Margarita, Sol, and Luna spent the morning at the greenhouse learning about compost production, seed collection and preparation, as well as tree-planting techniques. The kids got their hands dirty mixing a fresh batch of soil (compost, dirt, and rice hulls. Then they filled bottles with prepared soil, and transplanted seedlings from the seedbeds […]

Week 3 – Sustainable Development Study Abroad Program 2018

By Clay Plager-Unger | July 30, 2018

For the final week of the University of Oregon Sustainable Development Study Abroad Program the students completed their Ecuador experiences with a visit to the Bahía de Caráquez Municipality, Los Algarrobos School in Canoa, the Planet Drum greenhouse, and two days in the beautiful mountain town of Mindo. At the Bahía de Caráquez Municipality, we met with long-time friend of Planet Drum Foundation and current vice-Mayor Iván Aguirre and members […]

Week 2 – Sustainable Development Study Abroad Program 2018

By Clay Plager-Unger | July 23, 2018

Students continued to explore the challenges and possibilities for reconciling development and conservation in Ecuador during the second week of the University of Oregon Sustainable Development Study Abroad Program in Bahía. Activities for week two included a visit with local fishermen, tree planting with the National Electric Company, a tour of the Isla Corazon Wildlife Refuge, a trip to the Machalilla National Park and whale-watching […]