Raise the Stakes

Raise the Stakes #25: Connecting Our Species: Planet Reports

By Planet Drum Staff | January 1, 1996

Connecting Our Species: Planet Reports: Find out how local bioregional activities are becoming prevalent on a global scale. This issue includes a comprehensive interview with David Suzuki by Peter Berg on local grassroots activism, planetary and ecological awareness; reports from South of the Alps, Rhineland, Spain, Scotland, Japan, and the U.S.; a review of Stephanie Mills’ In Service of the Wild by Jim Dodge; Peter […]

Raise the Stakes #24: Bioregional Directory & Map

By Planet Drum Staff | March 21, 1995

Bioregional Directory & Map: A listing of more than 200 bioregional groups and publications in the Northern Americas as well as in Europe and Australia. This issue is a useful way to find bioregionally-minded groups and individuals in your area. Also included is a centerfold map of the represented bioregions of the Northern Americas produced by Steven Holloway. Perfect for bioregional organizers or contacts on […]

Raise the Stakes #23: Things that really work: A Bioregional Toolkit

By Planet Drum Staff | June 21, 1994

Things That Really Work: A Bioregional Tool Kit: Chronicles some of the tools and practices that have proven to be effective when bioregionally conscious individuals apply them to their lives. Articles include, Teach Local; Peter Berg’s Putting ‘Bio’ in Front of Regional; Making a Garden of Consequence; and Where Poems Come From: An Interview with Jerry Martien. Also included is a Circles of Correspondence section […]


By Planet Drum Staff | January 1, 1994

Food as Place: Bioregional Agriculture: This issue focuses on agriculture as a multinational business and provides alternatives which directly relate to bioregionalism. Methods and benefits of locally-grown foods and gardens. Features include A Garden Growing Wild; Eating Our Teachers: Local Food, Local Knowledge; and Linking Plant Homelands and Human Homelands. Juan-Tomas Rehbock’s report on organic agriculture in Argentina, book reviews, Circles of Correspondence and Planet […]

Raise the Stakes #21: Bioregional Culture

By Planet Drum Staff | June 21, 1993

Bioregional Culture: A look at several unique bioregions in the articles within this issue, from India to Silverton, Colorado. What bioregionalism means to different people and its significance in determining one’s own place. Circles of Correspondence: Oak Ridges Moraine, Aquaterra, Mexico, Intertribal Indian Park. Reads & Reads, Green City Report, Planet Drum Publications. Bioregional Culture EditorialBioregional Culture, Drawing to Scale, Marie Dolcini Circles of Correspondence […]

Raise the Stakes #20: ECO-GOVERNANCE II: Anatomy of the Shasta Bioregional Gathering

By Planet Drum Staff | September 21, 1992

Eco-Governance II: Anatomy of the Shasta Bioregional Gathering: An in-depth survey and exploration of the first Shasta Bioregional Gathering in northern California from conception to realization including highlights, participant reports and musings. Also samples bioregional gathering observations/outlines from Toronto’s first Bioregion Week and the fifth TIBC held in Kerrville, Texas. Inspirational accounts and provocative critiques of the bioregional movement, questioning rhetoric and processes of congressing. […]