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2009 Bioregional Education Class : Introduction to the Bioregion – Ramon

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | May 8, 2009

Ramon’s Report #1 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 May 6 & 8, 2009 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below We started a new school year of Bioregional Education. This time there are three educational institutions: Colegio Vicente Hurtado, with Fabiola Coello as the teacher and Lissette Moncayo as assistant; Colegio Fanny de Baird, with Paola Divito as the teacher and Roberto Rodriguez as the assistant; […]

National Transformation Can Inspire Local Progress

By Peter Berg | March 24, 2008

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Ecuador is undergoing a political transformation of undeniably profound and long-lasting significance. As with most South American countries this is a time of widespread change and realignment for many reasons, but in Ecuador there is an additional uniquely internal factor that stands out above all others. It is rewriting the national constitution. President Rafael Correa put the issue of constitutional reform […]

About Revegetation

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 25, 2008

I presented the Mandato (See Attachment Below) prioritizing changes to make a better eco-city at the first Eco-Amigos meeting of 2008.  The meeting appears to have been a bit of a rebirth.  At the session we elected a Coordinator and Vice-Coordinator, Ronald and Cheo respectively.  I want to add an official post for a kid to get in there as well.  There’s a lot of […]

Plan Preliminar de Gestión de Basura y Reciclaje

By Amy Jewel | February 18, 2001

Por Amy Jewel (Assistente de Campo, Fundación Planet Drum) Municipalidad de Cantón Sucre (Versión Español) Antecedentes La recolección y destrucción de los desechos sólidos es un desafío que enfrentan todas las municipalidades. Mientras que el número de gente viviendo en las ciudades continua creciendo, la cantidad de basura generada también crece. Es necesario manejar toda esta basura responsablemente. Como muchas otras municipalidades, el Municipio del […]

Preliminary Waste Management and Recycling Plan

By Amy Jewel | February 18, 2001

By, Amy Jewel (Field Assistant at Planet Drum Foundation) Municipality of Canton Sucre [versión en español] Introduction The collection and disposal of solid waste is a challenge facing all municipalities. As the number of people living in the cities continues to grow, the amount of waste generated also grows. All of this waste needs to be handled in a responsible manner. Like many other municipalities, […]

Plan Ecológico para el Desarrollo de Cantón Sucre

By Peter Berg | February 15, 2001

Bahía de Caráquez (Versión Español) I. Introducción — Necesidad y propósito de un plan para crear una Ciudad Ecológica. A) Necesida La Declaratoria Municipal de la Ciudad Ecológica a. La fragilidad de Bahía, mapa de riesgos y problemas ambientales b. La oportunidad: efectos del desastre de El Niño c. Prevención de desastres, plan de mitigación 2. Comprensión, coordinación y participación con todas las acciones ecológicas […]