Eco Ecuador Bioregional Education

Students in the Bioregional classes more than doubled.

By Valentina Carminati | July 17, 2006

Valentina Carminati, Field Bioregional Education ManagerPlanet Drum FoundationJuly 17, 2006 The remaining students each received a card describing a different characteristic of the plant required to assist their friend in getting healthier. As a group they needed to get all the information together and start looking for the exact plant. They also had to find the respective species as soon as possible otherwise their friends were […]

Bioregional classes field trips and student increase.

By Valentina Carminati | July 10, 2006

The trip to Ricardito’s (Bosque Encantado) farm ended up being a success. Students were very excited and they had a good time.  The majority of the trees we examined were new for them. Ricardito talked about the principal characteristics (endemic, adaptable to the Ecuadorian coast…) of each class of trees, such as papaya, lime, cacao, chirimoya… I asked them to observe and describe the differences […]

Bioregional class identifying native species in the Dry Tropical Forest.

By Valentina Carminati | June 26, 2006

Valentina Carminati, Field Bioregional Education ManagerPlanet Drum FoundationReport, June 26, 2006 Last Wednesday we had a new student, Anita, who is only seven years old. Actually, she is too young to participate actively in the class nevertheless I am always trying to involve her in the conversations.  All the kids attempted to solve the Bioregional crossword I prepared for them. They were still very confused about […]

Bioregional Education course started for seven kids.

By Valentina Carminati | June 19, 2006

Valentina Carminati, Field Bioregional Education ManagerPlanet Drum FoundationReport, June 12-19, 2006 Today the Bioregional Education course started and Cheo kindly was helping me. Unfortunately only seven students turned up. I knew the main problem was going to be the lack of kids but I don’t want to put myself down yet. First of all the students introduced themselves (name, age, and institution). Six of them are from Colegio […]

Valentina preparing a summer course in bioregionalism for teens.

By Valentina Carminati | June 12, 2006

June 12, 2006 Last week I have been to Colegio Interamericano and to Colegio Eloy Alfaro and I left 80 invitations in total to the students (in order for the parents to know and decide together). The students are 10 to 14 years old and since the course is not an ‘obligation’ we don’t know how many students will participate to the lessons.  Anyway…The program […]

Ecuador Project Report: Final report, Kristen Lansdale, Oct. 2, 2005

By Kristen Lansdale | October 2, 2005

BIRTH OF A PROJECT  When I set off for Bahia de Caraquez exactly six months ago I had no idea where I was going or what I was really being sent to do. My boss, Peter berg, told me that he was throwing me into the deep end of the pool  on this one, but I felt confident in my ability to swim,  As the idea […]

Ecuador Project All Reports: Kristen Lansdale, Apr.–Oct. 2005

By Kristen Lansdale | October 2, 2005

Kristen Lansdale, Field Bioregional Education ManagerPlanet Drum Foundation April 29, 2005 This week has been packed with activity as the bioregional education project takes flight. It seems that the program has an energy of its own as the community of Bahia welcomes the prospect of bioregional education.   This week I have been to talk to the Universidad Catolica, Universidad La Laica, Colegios Eloy Alfaro, and Fanny Baird. […]

The gas station leak.

By Kristen Lansdale | August 11, 2005

On Tuesday we had a very interesting day of class. The gas station Repsol has been leaking gas into the estuary for what seems to be about eight years, or since the earthquake. It became such a problem that they could no longer turn the blind eye and have had to close the gas station and do some major clean up. So Friends of the […]

Properties of the estuary and the contamination there.

By Kristen Lansdale | August 4, 2005

  This has been an interesting if not a bit frustrating of a week. On Tuesday I spent the better part of the afternoon planning class with Maria Elena who has done her thesis work on contamination of the Estuary Rio Chone. We had put together a presentation which when we tried to print. It wouldn’t and then the computer shut down all together. When we […]

Ecuador Project Report: Heather Crawford, Jan.–July 2005

By Heather Crawford | July 30, 2005

Heather Crawford, Field Project Manager Planet Drum Foundation  March 15th to 20th, 2005 We are doing fine according to our timeline. The Dairy Farm site was planted three times this week with the help of Carlos Franco (son), Andrea (Renée’s friend), two traveling volunteers from Quito, and two workers from Bella Vista who came because of the meeting I had with the Municipio’s agronomist working on […]