
Collaboration for a Long-Term Sustainable City

Summer 2007 Introductory Bioregional Class: Aquatic Ecosystems

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | August 17, 2007

Ramon’s Weekly Report #10 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session 2007 August 15th & 17th Bioregionalism resumed classes after vacations from regular school were ended. The theme for the week was aquatic ecosystems. We began by differentiating between continental and marine ecosystems. The students divided into two groups to go over the materials I passed out. They discussed these materials and then made presentations to each other on what […]

Some serious watering.

By Clay Plager-Unger | August 17, 2007

August 13-17, 2007 Summary: This week was exclusively about the core Planet Drum group, me, Brian and Lindsey. We watered all of the reforestation sites as usual and continued planting seeds and upkeep in the greenhouse.      Monday we watered and weeded at the greenhouse, and also dug up a new seed bed and mixed soil for it. Then one of the other new seed beds was […]

Making new friends to help water.

By Clay Plager-Unger | August 3, 2007

July 30-August 3, 2007     This week we lucked out by finding some extra hands around town to pitch in with the work, since our numbers have dwindled to one volunteer. Simply keeping up with watering the planted sites proves to be a challenge. Fortunately some travelers came out to help the cause for a couple days. On Monday, Brian and I went to the greenhouse […]

We nourish the trees and we nourish ourselves.

By Clay Plager-Unger | July 27, 2007

July 23-27, 2007   This week we were down to one volunteer. Fortunately, Brian is a hard worker because as usual there’s a lot to get done. On Monday we went to the greenhouse, watered, dumped off compost, weeded and checked on the plants. From there we walked over to Maria Dolores and Don Pepe to do some watering. With only two people it took two […]

Summer 2007 Introductory Bioregional Class: Compost

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | July 20, 2007

Ramon Loor’s Weekly Report #8 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session 2007 July 18th & 20th   Wednesday we met as usual at the city park to begin another class.  This week’s theme was Compost.  Planet Drum volunteer Melissa led the first part of the class and taught about the decomposition of organic materials.  There were nine different steps in process of how organic material decomposes that she covered.  She passed out materials detailing […]

Field Trip to Las Caras, and Bioregional Education begins again.

By Clay Plager-Unger | July 16, 2007

July 16-20, 2007  Summary: As volunteers continue to depart from Planet Drum, the rest of the family keeps the work going.  We are planting seeds like crazy to build up the arsenal of trees for next year’s reforestation sites.  Dry season weather persists with many overcast days and breezes that could be described as “cool.”  There was another field trip this week, to a community called Los Caras, named […]

Summer 2007 Introductory Bioregional Class: Flora, Trees & Tee Shirts

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | July 13, 2007

Ramon Loor’s Weekly Report #7 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session 2007 July 11th & 13th   This week on Wednesday I was surprised when all of the students showed up to class early to begin work. The theme for the day was flora. We talked about the flora in this area and the different species of trees that are here. We were able to relate this class to the […]

More students to visit on a weekly basis.

By Clay Plager-Unger | July 13, 2007

July 9-13, 2007 This is our last complete week with a full house. Many are beginning preparations to take off and soon our numbers will dwindle. Nonetheless spirits remain high and everyone is enjoying themselves and working hard. Despite the occasional nighttime drizzle and lots of overcast days, we continue watering. We are also planting seeds like crazy in the greenhouse to have more trees […]

Summer 2007 Introductory Bioregional Class: Birds & the Estuary

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | July 6, 2007

Ramon Loor’s Weekly Report #6 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session 2007 July 4th & 6th On Wednesday I talked to the class for twenty minutes about birds and their importance in this bioregion, especially the birds that can be found in the Rio Chone Estuary. I explained the principal characteristics of the birds, the different species, their songs, and reproduction, etc. Then we split into work groups. One […]

Summer 2007 Introductory Bioregional Class: Characteristics of the Bioregion

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | June 29, 2007

Ramon Loor’s Weekly Report #5 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session 2007 June 27th & 29th   On Wednesday we all sat down in a circle and began to explain the work of the day, which was to synthesize the entire Bioregionalismo booklet. We have covered everything in it except to elaborate some of the answers to questions. Emily and Laura arrived a little late to class, but when they […]