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Japan Dispatches, 2004

By Peter Berg | October 20, 2004

Peter and Judy returned to Japan on the Autumnal Equinox 2004. Soon after, we started receiving dispatches from this journey. Ecology leader and Planet Drum Foundation Board Member Kimiharu To acted as networker supreme as well as guide and interpreter for travels & presentations. Dispatch #1, A Prescription for Japan’s Cities, Sept. 26, 2004. A discussion about urban problems and examples of a workshop/presentation and proactive […]

Bioregionalism: An Introduction (2002)

By Peter Berg | October 27, 2002

Bioregionalism is an update of Peter’s 1983 essay Bioregions.  Why bioregions are important, clear and concise definitions, as well as manifestations of bioregionalism—groups, history, relationships to other concepts, and attacks by global monoculture.  At the end of this article is a paragraph of Berg’s from 2009 about the importance of a bioregional point of view. * * * The catastrophic effects on Earth’s biosphere due to human […]

Raise the Stakes #30: RAISE THE STAKES Anthology II: Eco-Realism about Water, Food, Cities

By Planet Drum Staff | January 1, 2000

Eco-Realism about Water, Food, CitiesRaise the Stakes Anthology II EditorialRAISE THE STAKES Did Just That, Peter Berg (Final issue and recap of RTS history) ArticlesIssues/Insights Cities/Urban Sustainability Water Bioregional Agriculture Special Report:Ecuador Green City Revisited, August ’99, Peter Berg Announcements Reviews: Riffs, Reads & ReelsReads Reviewed by Peter Berg Reviewed by Beatrice Briggs Reviewed by Ocean Berg ReelsReviewed by Judy Goldhaft Other Notable Books: Green […]

Raise the Stakes #29: Raise The Stakes Anthology I: A Deep (ecology) Breath Before 2000

By Planet Drum Staff | January 1, 1999

“A Deep (ecology) Breath Before 2000”: Celebrate 20 years of Raise the Stakes with an inside view of the history of the bioregional movement. A Deep (ecology) Breath Before 2000Raise the Stakes Anthology I Editorial Articles Cultural Critiques Issues/Insights Life-Place Education Organizing Bioregional Groups PoetryYou Can Say That, Duncan McNaughton, Announcements Reviews: Riffs, Reads & ReelsReadsReviewed by Peter Berg Reviewed by Jerry Martien Reviewed by […]

Raise the Stakes #28: Reinhabitation or Global Monoculture?

By Planet Drum Staff | March 21, 1998

Reinhabitation or Global Monoculture?Postcards from the Underside of the Nagano Olympics EditorialA Global View from a Desert Mountain, Heather Abel Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports) Articles Announcements Reviews: Riffs, Reads & ReelsReadsReviewed by Michael Phillips Reviewed by Jean Lindgren Reviewed by Sabrina Merlo ReelsReviewed by Peter Berg Reviewed by Seth Zuckerman Green City Report by Gia Nicole GrantGreen City/urban sustainability activities in the SF Bay […]


By Planet Drum Staff | June 21, 1997

Mainstreaming Watershedsalso Mexico: Gathering of the Americas EditorialFollowing Into the Mainstream, Annie F. Pyatak Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports) Articles Mexico Poetry Announcements Reviews: Riffs, Reads & ReelsReadsReviewed by Peter Berg Reviewed by Reneé Lertzman Reviewed by Robert Barzan Reviewed by Martin A. Lee Reads & ReelsReviewed by Mark Feldman Green City Report by Ian StewartGreen City/urban sustainability activities in the SF Bay Area. Planet […]

Raise the Stakes #26: 3 R’s and a B Bioregional School

By Planet Drum Staff | September 21, 1996

3 R’s and a B: Bioregional School: This issue focuses on alternative education practices, specifically bioregional school programs, urban eco-education, and folk learning. 3 R’s and a B: Bioregional SchoolThis issue of RTS is dedicated to Binti Jua, Gorilla Mother Articles Announcements Reviews: Riffs, Reads & ReelsReadsReviewed by David Graves Reviewed by Kenton R. Miller Reviewed by Paul Ryan Reviewed by James Koller Reviewed by […]

Peter Berg at Watershed: Writers, Nature and Community

By Peter Berg | April 16, 1996

Introduction An indication that bioregional consciousness might contend with the highest level of officialculture in the United States arrived with a 1996 event titled Watershed: Writers, Natureand Community in Washington, DC. Convened by President Clinton’s appointed PoetLaureate Robert Hass, it brought a total audience of thousands to fill several auditoriums atthe Library of Congress and other venues for a week. They heard dozens of contemporarynature […]

Raise the Stakes #25: Connecting Our Species: Planet Reports

By Planet Drum Staff | January 1, 1996

Connecting Our Species: Planet Reports: Find out how local bioregional activities are becoming prevalent on a global scale. This issue includes a comprehensive interview with David Suzuki by Peter Berg on local grassroots activism, planetary and ecological awareness; reports from South of the Alps, Rhineland, Spain, Scotland, Japan, and the U.S.; a review of Stephanie Mills’ In Service of the Wild by Jim Dodge; Peter […]

Raise the Stakes #24: Bioregional Directory & Map

By Planet Drum Staff | March 21, 1995

Bioregional Directory & Map: A listing of more than 200 bioregional groups and publications in the Northern Americas as well as in Europe and Australia. This issue is a useful way to find bioregionally-minded groups and individuals in your area. Also included is a centerfold map of the represented bioregions of the Northern Americas produced by Steven Holloway. Perfect for bioregional organizers or contacts on […]