
Prepared seeds by scratching and an overnight soak.

By Clay Plager-Unger / April 27, 2007 / 0 Comments

April 23-27, 2007 After a slight lull in our community work, this week saw a strong resurgence. Through further developing relations with La Universidad Católica de Bahia I was able to connect two groups which now have a great opportunity to benefit from each other. The Maria Auxialadora neighborhood, where an eco-tourism development plan exists […]

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A new stash of baby Guayacan trees

By Clay Plager-Unger / April 20, 2007 / 0 Comments

April 16-20, 2007 The rains continue and so does the reforestation work. We are underway with loading up the greenhouse with trees for next year and this will occupy much time in the coming weeks and months. The slower growing trees are being planted early so they will have the most time to grow before […]

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Ready to brave the dry season

By Clay Plager-Unger / April 13, 2007 / 0 Comments

April 9-13, 2007 This week we focused efforts on reforestation projects and the greenhouse. We’ve planted most of the trees from the greenhouse for this year and are beginning to think about growing trees for next year’s sites. With an initial goal of 2,500 trees for the coming year, we need to begin growing now […]

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Long live Bellavista.

By Clay Plager-Unger / April 7, 2007 / 0 Comments

April 2-7, 2007 This week we had two new volunteers show up, Christine from California and Roxanne from Scotland. We said goodbye to our Canadian friends from the Children of Ecuador foundation. We celebrated Semana Santa (Holy Week), a national holiday, and we got a bit closer with the Bellavista community by celebrating the opening […]

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We finished planting 800 trees, Peter Berg visits.

By Clay Plager-Unger / March 30, 2007 / 0 Comments

March 12-March 30, 2007 Greetings from Bahia de Caraquez. It’s been awhile since there’s been an update and a lot has happened. March was our one month of real rain this year, and even so it was still pretty sparse. We finished the planting we will be doing this season, all in all about eight […]

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New Accomplishments, Partial and Complete

By Peter Berg / March 22, 2007 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador After many delays due to rain and unavailability of people or horses, Clay and I finally made a second trip to the village of Pajonal for the purpose of riding over the most promising road site to the Planet Drum land.  We began to encounter the usual obstacles immediately. At the […]

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On the Way to a Road

By Peter Berg / March 12, 2007 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Whenever I return to Ecuador the first real taste of the country is the Guayaquil bus terminal (terminal terrestre). Serving the biggest city in the country, it feels like the commercial district of a uniquely busy small town of its own because there are thousands of people and hundreds of seemingly […]

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Review of Francois Truffault’s Shoot The Piano Player

By Peter Berg / March 7, 2007 / 0 Comments

Francois Truffault’s 1960 film “Shoot the Piano Player” was acclaimed as part of the French cinematic New Wave spearheaded by Jean-Luc Goddard. It even bears some resemblance to the tense pairing of characters who represent innocent liberated role-playing contrasted with overt criminality that marked Goddard’s brilliant “Breathless”.Truffault’s free-living but seemingly innocent musician is like the […]

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Eco-week festivities coincided with Bahia’s Carnaval.

By Clay Plager-Unger / February 23, 2007 / 0 Comments

February 17-23, 2007 Now that all of our planned new sites for the year have been planted and the rains have been keeping up a semi-regular basis, we’ve been able to devote most of our energy to the Eco-week and local community activities. Unfortunately we had to make it through this time with only one […]

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Planting saplings in a late rainy season ahead of dry season.

By Clay Plager-Unger / February 16, 2007 / 0 Comments

February 10-16, 2007 Although the rains have ceased since the initial few days of rain we received, only teasing us with an occasional sprinkle, we continued to plant our sites. At a certain point you have to plant no matter what. Once it gets too late in the season it’s not worth planting anyways since […]

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