Kristen FordPlanet Drum VolunteerTuesday, November 5, 2002 Chris and Matt have been working on the Universidad Catolica revegetation project all the time and will surely pass on their work to Simon. Matt has secured funds to create a greenhouse and we have already started working on design plans for the structure. Simon just arrived from […]
Read MoreKristen FordPlanet Drum Volunteer [Soon after arriving in Bahia, Kristen returned from Fanca glowing with amazement and delight. After she told me what happened, I suggested she write up her experience for the website. Here it is….Judy Goldhaft]. This story begins with an invitation by the Director of the Escuela Rotaria (Rotary School) in Fanca […]
Read MoreKristin FordPlanet Drum Volunteer I am here in Genesis enjoying the costumes that children are wearing tonight. I just saw Snow White walk by. So much to say, where to begin? Well, in the last week I have gotten very involved in the up and coming vermicomposting project. Jeff, Chris and I have been in […]
Read MoreThe first few days Matt and I were here we did some work on the room—plastering, priming, and painting the walls. We also did some work with the seed planting project at Fanca and started thatching the roof at the patio. Since then Matt has been helping Chris with work in the park, doing maintenance […]
Read MoreMonday, October 28, 2002 The first few days Matt and I were here we did some work on the room—plastering, priming, and painting the walls. We also did some work with the seed planting project at Fanca and started thatching the roof at the patio. Since then Matt has been helping Chris with work in […]
Read MoreBioregionalism is an update of Peter’s 1983 essay Bioregions. Why bioregions are important, clear and concise definitions, as well as manifestations of bioregionalism—groups, history, relationships to other concepts, and attacks by global monoculture. At the end of this article is a paragraph of Berg’s from 2009 about the importance of a bioregional point of view. * * […]
Read MoreChris HaafPlanet Drum Volunteer Good news as far as the steps go. Matt went to Cerro Seco this weekend and saw some stairs there which are built out of several smaller branches that you can find anywhere. So the stairs have been completely rebuilt, mostly by Matt with some help from me. We are working […]
Read MoreChris HaafPlanet Drum Volunteer We have been busy getting the new volunteers (Sara, Rita, and Matt) introduced to everything that is going on. i have been at fanca several days recently working on filling bags with compost to plant seeds. The stairs have been replaced in Maria Auxiliadora. A few days after finishing the stairs, […]
Read MoreKristen FordPlanet Drum Volunteer Chris and I have been working on the apartment like crazy. Now the entire main commons room’s walls are painted except for right as you come up the steps. We have been continuing to collect tiles and advice to begin work on the mosaic that I was talking about. I have […]
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