Eco Ecuador Bioregional Education

Bioregional classes collect mangrove seeds alongside ‘Manglar Beisbol’ baseball team for youths who gather seeds.

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | January 19, 2007

Ramon’s Weekly Bioregional Education Report January 17, 2007 We went to the Planet Drum greenhouse at the Catholic University to transplant trees. Some of the Planet Drum volunteers were waiting for us on our arrival. They carefully explained to the kids how to transplant and make compost. Then we split into groups to tackle the two tasks. The girls decided to transplant while the boys worked […]

Bioregional classes plant trees and prep park for eco-week.

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | January 10, 2007

Ramon’s Weekly Bioregional Education Report January 10, 2007 On this day we were invited to work in the greenhouse at the Cerro Seco Reserve. We planted many different types of trees (Pechiche, Hobo, Suche). It was a very special day for the young bioregionalists since what they’ve wanted most is to be able to be a direct part of reforesting. We were well received at the site and divided […]

Bioregional course: foods native to the Ecuadorian coast

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | December 18, 2006

December 18, 2006 On Wednesday the Bioregional Education class identified and learned about the importance of the traditional types of food of the ecuatorian coast, such as corn (which had Originally been used by their ancestors), yucca (rich in carbohydrates), avocado (fat, proteins), pineapple, peanut, etc. They also played a game which consisted of finding 4 small pieces of paper in a park, on which […]

Workshop/field trip to Cabo Pasado, an almost untouched Dry Tropical Forest.

By Tom Kobilinger | December 18, 2006

December 18, 2006 For repairing the Maria Auxiliadora park we needed more Muyuyo stakes, which we thankfully cut down in Ricardito Lopez` bosque (forest). We used them for building more steps and made it easier and safer to stroll around. We`re almost done with the basic improvements there, like installing stairs, handrails and clearing trails, and already plan on making it more useful by building benches […]

Bioregional course: native tree species.

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | December 11, 2006

December 11, 2006 On Wednesday every student read about native species of trees of the Region. They were only familiar with the Ceibo. Ramon explained that their country’s flora is biologically extremely diverse, but is in danger because of people’s lack of awareness. He taught them about the importance of reforesting areas that had been cut down, in order to recreate natural habitats. On Friday we […]

This week’s Bioregional Education topic was Compost.

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | December 3, 2006

December 3, 2006 This week’s Bioregional Education topic was Compost. On Wednesday they started off with a brainstorming on organic and inorganic waste, then Ramon taught them about the process, including different types and importance of composting. Further, he discussed the importance of separating organic from inorganic waste. Friday was a fun day when we all (Ramon, 16 Bioregionalistas, Jeff from Peace Corps and myself) took […]

Ramon’s Bioregional Education Project

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | November 26, 2006

November 26, 2006 On the 15th of November the Bioregional Course started and students from Bahia, Leonidas Plaza and San Vicente participated. On their first day they learned what a Bioregion is and about its importance for sustainable development. Further, they worked out a series of questions and answers and put them in an Ecogram. On Friday 17th they all went up to the La Cruz […]

Bioregional Course’s last day.

By Valentina Carminati | August 16, 2006

August 16, 2006 On Friday morning (August 11, 2006) we finished the Bioregional Mapping topic. Kids managed to finish off with their own maps quite quickly. The last element of the previous lesson was incorporating the soil to the drawing, so students continued by introducing native species such as animals and plants. Kids were drawing trees such as Ceibos, Papayas, Mangos, Platanos, etc… and animals […]

Bioregional Class: art projects and mapping projects

By Valentina Carminati | August 10, 2006

August 10, 2006 Last Wednesday the Bioregional Education Program students made their third and last “work of art”: a picture frame. They had a choice of plenty of materials such as colored paper, pieces of newspaper, rose petals, leaves, seeds, brilliant sparkles, etc. Kids were told to bring a personal photo but, aware that some of them were going to forget it, I remembered to bring […]

Bioregional class perceives the estuary on field trip.

By Valentina Carminati | July 26, 2006

Valentina Carminati, Field Bioregional Education ManagerPlanet Drum FoundationJuly 26, 2006 Our trip to La Cruz lookout in the center of Bahia was as enjoyable as always! It was a great day; the sun was shining and the sky was completely clear. Perfect weather conditions to admire the view of the Rio Chone estuary from up there. Kids could see the integration between land and water.  They […]