
Collaboration for a Long-Term Sustainable City

Soon to release green-city newsletter, “Econoticias.”

By Clay Plager-Unger | June 29, 2007

June 25-29, 2007 Announcement: Our volunteer numbers are still strong, there are currently eleven, but for many, their stay here is coming to a close in the near future. And soon we will be understaffed, so if you’re thinking about volunteering, now’s a great time to get in touch. This week we took care of a lot of site upkeep by installing a few more bamboo […]

Summer 2007 Introductory Bioregional Class: Mangroves

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | June 27, 2007

Ramon’s Weekly Report #9 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session 2007 June 25th & 27th The theme for Wednesday’s class was Mangroves. First I asked them how much they knew about Mangrove trees and how many types they could name. Everyone had a basic understanding of Mangrove trees at the beginning of class. During the class, I explained to them the importance of these trees in the estuary and […]

Summer 2007 Introductory Bioregional Class: Bioregional Presentations & Visit to a Nature Preserve

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | June 22, 2007

Ramon Loor’s Weekly Report #4 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session 2007 June 20th & 22nd This week we almost completed assignments in the Bioregional booklets. All that’s left is to do the activities. On Wednesday we focused on detailing the themes of bioregionalism, such as climate, water and watersheds, culture, etc. We made three groups as usual and with the help of a couple of Planet Drum volunteers, […]

Tubes and mulch make watering easier as dry season begins.

By Clay Plager-Unger | June 18, 2007

June 18-22, 2007 Things can change so quickly here!  I went back to the US for a short family visit and left one of the volunteers, Lise, in charge of taking care of the Drum family. Many thanks for her help and wonderful reports. I returned to a brand new house of volunteers and a new season as well. Farewell wishes to Lise, Andy, Jim and […]

Summer 2007 Introductory Bioregional Class: Drawing Bioregional Characteristics

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | June 15, 2007

Ramon Loor’s Weekly Report #3 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session 2007 June 13th & 15th On Wednesday the 13th class began with a new helper, a volunteer from the Planet Drum Foundation. We split into two work groups where the theme of the day was to remember the different sites seen on our various outings. Both groups had to draw the bioregion of Bahia, identifying various characteristics that […]

Seed beds have sprouted.

By Lise Tjorring | June 15, 2007

Lise Tjorring Planet Drum FoundationReport: June 11-June 15, 2007 With six volunteers staying in the Planet Drum house and five volunteers staying in the Bahia B&B Inn we manage to get a lot of work done. New people keep showing an interest in what we are doing. We got an 11th volunteer to help us out this week when Tom, a traveler from Australia, passed through town […]

Summer 2007 Introductory Bioregional Class: Defining & Observing the Bioregion

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | June 8, 2007

Ramon Loor’s Weekly Report #2 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session 2007 June 6th & 8th This week we split into three work groups of bioregionalista students to analyze an article by Peter Berg about bioregionalism from their booklets. During their discussion they made many conclusions, but also had a lot of questions about what a bioregion is and the Eco-city. Some of the students asked why Bahia is […]

Installing more caña tubes and rice hull mulch.

By Lise Tjorring | June 8, 2007

Lise Tjorring Planet Drum FoundationReport: June 4-June 8, 2007 It has been a busy and interesting week. Clay has gone on a holiday to his homeland and left us with a long list of things to do, but at the same time new volunteers have arrived to help out with these tasks. The Planet Drum work force increased with two new volunteers this week, Maria from Argentina […]

Summer 2007 Introductory Bioregional Class: Bioregional Booklets & Bahia Viewed from the Lookout

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | June 1, 2007

Ramon Loor’s Weekly Report #1 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session 2007 May 30 This Wednesday we began a new cycle of Bioregional Education classes. Students received Bioregionalismo booklets made by Planet Drum volunteers. Clay passed out the booklets and welcomed the fifteen students who are from different parts of Bahia and San Vicente. With the help of some of the students who have been in this class before, we […]

Bioregional Education booklets printed.

By Clay Plager-Unger | June 1, 2007

May 28-June 1, 2007 It rained consistently from last Wednesday through Saturday night. Although very late this year, they have been real rainy season rains, every night, almost all night long. Some people are talking about delayed rains since they were never that strong during the actual rainy season. The climate has definitely changed from winter (typically wet season, hotter and sunnier) to summer (typically […]