
Collaboration for a Long-Term Sustainable City

Hillside Revegetation in Astillero

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 23, 2018

Behind the Astillero community greenhouse facility is a large hillside with steep, erosion prone slopes. Guayacan and Algarrobo trees grown at the facility are hardy, drought-resistant and have a strong, deep root systems. They are excellent for erosion control. With Jose María, collaborator from the Astillero neighborhood, guiding us up into the difficult terrain, we carried trees and supplies for planting. Everyone planted a large […]

Astillero Neighborhood Greenhouse

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 21, 2018

In Astillero, we continue to make improvements to the community greenhouse facility. A roof was built to keep the sacks of sawdust dry. With artistic assistance from Claudia, we painted and installed a sign at the entrance. While the sign was made, the compost piles continued working. About once a month the piles are turned and move along in the process of becoming compost. After […]

Greenhouse Native Tree Production

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 19, 2018

The elevated seedbeds at the Planet Drum greenhouse at the Catholic University are bursting with native fruit and forest species seedlings. One has Chirimoya, Tamarind, and Guachapeli trees. Another has various citrus trees, such as Toronja, Mandarina, Naranja, and Lima Naranja. One morning, after weeding the seedbeds, we transplanted seedlings from the seedbeds to repurposed plastic soda bottles. Certain species, such as Mangoes and Guava […]

Volunteer Experience Piece

By Claudia Wiese | February 16, 2018

“The more things you learn, the more places you’ll go” Since early December, 2017 I’ve been working as a volunteer with Planet Drum. I haphazardly encountered the organization back in June on a plain white website full of blue links promising to find me low-cost volunteering in Latin America. I was looking for ways to fully take advantage of my upcoming gap year. I was […]

Los Arguellos Community Outreach

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 21, 2018

Many of Bahía’s residents who lost their homes during the 2016 earthquake were relocated into a government subsidized housing development as part of the earthquake recovery. The newly constructed neighborhood near Leonidas Plaza is called “Los Arguellos”. The low-cost housing (4 apartments share each structure to reduce construction costs by sharing common walls and floors) areas are mostly devoid of vegetation and residents are anxious […]

Astillero Compost Production

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 18, 2018

Compost production in the Astillero neighborhood continues at full throttle. We’ve been transporting organic waste from the Bahía to the Astillero for the past five months and already have produced three massive piles of completed compost that is ready to be prepared  as planting soil. Jose Maria is using his portion of the compost to plant 2,000 Maracuya plants for his family farm. Meanwhile, Planet […]

Apiculture Project January Update

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 17, 2018

Thus far in January, Planet Drum has made significant progress on a new project: beekeeping. At the beginning of the month, Ricardo and Clay visited our friend Miguel Angel (proprietor of La Colmena in Portoviejo) to discuss apiculture. Miguel Angel has been bee-keeping for years and appears interested in sharing his knowledge with anyone willing to listen. While there, he showed us how he was populating […]

Bellavista: Seedbeds and Composting

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 10, 2018

The revegetation work in Bellavista continues to strengthen community participation by involving local residents in all phases of tree production and planting. In the process, we are teaching residents about compost production and also lending them a hand with their own new community gardening initiative. The latest development in Bellavista is that we have built a new elevated seedbed at Laura’s house. Background: Laura is Papito’s […]

Escuela Los Algarrobos Collaboration

By Clay Plager-Unger | December 21, 2017

One of the schools in the region that has participated in Planet Drum’s revegetation activities over the years is the Los Algarrobos School in Canoa. In the past, we always talked about increasing collaboration with them. Now the opportunity has presented itself and after discussing possibilities with Antonia, the school’s principle, we decided to build elevated seedbeds there to further involve the students in the […]

Planet Drum Greenhouse Bids Farewell to 2017

By Clay Plager-Unger | December 20, 2017

After distributing more than 3,000 trees with the National Electric Company throughout the Manabí region in November and early December, the greenhouse has been left with only a few hundred trees in reserve. While it’s great to be able to reach so many different communities and regions with trees for revegetation with the Electric Company, we have lots of work cut out in order to […]